4 Steps to Committing to Yourself in Chasing Your Goals and Dreams
When I was 22 years old, I moved to Dallas, Texas from the Houston area. I packed what little belongings I had in my suitcase and had $300 to my name, materially it wasn’t a lot, however, beyond my few possessions, I had an indomitable will to achieve more than those I was surrounded by. I wanted more for myself, and I knew a change in environment was crucial to my success. This was the first of many awakenings for me. I realized that in order to achieve my goals, I had to commit to myself and honor my goals and dreams. Even if that meant moving away from my beloved family and friends. Here are some steps I’ve learned along the way about how to commit to yourself, particularly in the pursuit of your goals and dreams.
Be Honest
When you critically look at where you are in life and what you have achieved, how do you feel?
Do you know you could be doing better?
Do you feel you deserve better but you haven’t dug deep enough to fully commit to your goals and dreams? If this resonates with you, chances are you’ve been ignoring what your heart desires.
Take a moment to reflect on what is holding you back.
What is stopping you from chasing your dreams?
Record notes on your phone or grab a notepad and write out what you feel are stumbling blocks or challenges that are preventing you from chasing your goals. Be as detailed as possible, even if the challenges feel trivial. You might be surprised at what surfaces. (If you need help with dissolving limiting self-beliefs, check out this post).
Once you have made the list, review it. What is within your control that you can change?
Recognize that we are inevitably accountable for the results or lack thereof in our life.
We can either have excuses or results, not both.
Stocktake Your Habits
Our habits are comfortable and familiar but some may not serve us well. If you are in the habit of participating in certain behaviors that aren’t in alignment with your goals, it makes achieving your goals an arduous journey. For example, if your goal is to read a new book every month but instead you spend a lot of time on social media, then your actions aren’t in alignment with your goals.
If your goal is to lose 20 pounds but you eat junk food and don’t exercise, your actions aren’t in alignment either.
Your actions need to be in alignment with your goals.
To check if your habits are in alignment with your goals ask yourself this simple question, ‘Is this bringing me closer or further away from my goal?’, if the answer is further from where you wish to be, find the strength to overcome this habit. It will be hard at first but the more you exercise your self control, the easier it will become. Achieving your goals isn’t easy, it will take some sacrifice but the rewards are well and truly worth it.
Rebuild Faith and Integrity
How often have you committed to doing something with great enthusiasm and then within a month have completely thrown in the towel?
Perhaps you were discouraged when you didn’t immediately see results or life got busy. Whatever it may have been, these experiences erode our self worth. Subconsciously, we have broken a promise to ourselves. If you’re in the habit of doing this, you might have convinced yourself that this time you will achieve your goal – for once and for all, however, there is a small part of you that feels deep down inside that this will result in another failed attempt.
Rebuilding your integrity and faith is paramount in this situation. This takes some work and if you are prepared to dig a little deeper, anything you commit to will be achievable. Start with small deposits into your integrity account, for example, if you wish to be more organized, set an alarm for 7pm and write out a to-do list for the following day. It doesn’t have to be lengthy or anything difficult. In fact, I recommend starting out with placing just one item on the to-do list. Get in the habit of doing this daily and following through with completing the task. This simple exercise rebuilds faith in yourself.
When you consistently keep the promises you make to yourself, it strengthens your spirit and further inspires you to take action towards your goals.
Regularly Review & Remind
Write out your current goal on a small card and keep this card in your wallet or purse. Review it daily. In fact, several times a day if possible. Make it the screensaver on your phone or laptop. Stick a post-it on your fridge or mirror, anywhere that will continue to remind you. Take time out regularly to review your entire list of goals and dreams. Reminding yourself of what you want to achieve in life and seeing your goals written out refocusses you and inspires a sense of motivation and purpose.
I believe we can all achieve our goals and dreams.
Believe in yourself!
What steps have you found helpful in pursuit of your goals? I would love for you to share these in the comments below.
Shyra Smith