by ssmith | Feb 17, 2024 | Blog, Personal Growth/Business Development
I was sitting beside my pool the other day, breathing in the fresh air and staringoff into space when I realized something: I was at complete peace. I wasn’thappy, not in the conventional way, but I was joyful, and content; my spirit waslight. I felt a wave of...
by ssmith | Aug 26, 2019 | Blog, Personal Growth/Business Development
What are boundaries, why boundaries are important and how to communicate and honor your boundaries WHAT ARE BOUNDARIES? According to Pia Mellody, author of the best selling book, “Facing Codependence,” Boundary systems are invisible and symbolic “force fields” that...
by ssmith | Jan 8, 2019 | Personal Growth/Business Development
Many times, our limited beliefs prevent us from taking steps to advance in life. One way to overcome this is to start taking baby steps outside of your comfort zone. This of course means intentionally becoming uncomfortable. Fear of the unknown can cause us to settle...