The Truth About Self Discovery

Self Discovery can sometimes be a difficult and uneasy journey but it’s one that results in one obtaining a fulfilled way of living. While traveling through this journey, one can experience fear, doubt and it can maybe even cause one to realize that there might have to be some revisiting of past experiences in life that were a bit unpleasant. I’ve shared my self discovery journey with many and I must admit, it wasn’t an easy one for me.

Once I realized it was time to make changes in my life to help me obtain that life of fulfillment, a magical transformation began. I had to stop settling in my life when I knew God designed a path for me to have more. I also had to learn to stop being a crutch to others so that they could also discover the life they were created to live. Many times, individuals stunt their own personal growth because they continue to be dependent on others. If we don’t learn to stop being a hindrance, those individuals will never learn to become independent and discover their own capabilities.

The self discovery process brings forth clarity in discovering your own happiness and the true you. When you discover the true you, you will notice your life will tend to be much more fulfilled and you’ll be more aware and feel free. You’ll no longer have expectations of others and realize that many times, expectations can highly result in the setting up of disappointments. You’ll notice your life beginning to turn around for the better. You start living a life with more gratitude and purpose. I actually discovered that the love, happiness and joy that I gave began to come right back to me. I learned how to no longer tolerate what I knew I didn’t deserve and found that this helped me to obtain the ability to live a more fulfilled lifestyle.

One of the toughest things I had to do was cut people out of my life or limit my interactions with some. One category of people I had to remove were the “takers” in my life. I had to analyze my relationships and identify those who were only looking out for themselves which was unfair in a two party relationship. I found that there were many people out there who were capable of giving the same type of relationship that I knew I was capable of giving and once I began to let go of those who abused it, I found that the right ones began filling in to replace the ones who were removed. Some of those who I cut out of my life or who I limited my interactions with, eventually came back to me years later to ask for forgiveness.

One thing that I had to remember was that a person’s upbringing or their past hurts can cause them to behave in a particular way. These are issues that they have to deal with and maybe even heal but the results of those issues do not have to be tolerated by others. The self discovery process can result in us learning how to love ourselves so that we can completely give the best of ourselves to those we love and to those we come into contact with and remember…. we cannot be whole or feel complete until we learn to fully love all about who we are.