Transitioning From Employee to Entrepreneur

Working for yourself is most people’s dream, but many never take the chance to make it happen.  When you’re ready to branch off on your own, there are steps you can take to make that transition smoother.  If you’re ready to follow your passion and start your new life as an entrepreneur, here are a few basic tips to help you get started.

Put Your Finances In Order

Quitting your 9-5 job to pursue your dreams should not be a decision made overnight.  Plan it right and continue to work your 9-5 job while you work and build your business on the side.  Pay down your debt and start saving.  Determine how much you need if a real emergency hits and how long you may need to live off your savings if necessary.  At minimum, you should prepare for three months’ expenses.  It may take some time, but keep in mind that the sooner you start, the sooner you’ll be in a better position for self-employment.  

Don’t Burn Bridges

Never burn any bridges with your employer.  You always want to be sure you leave on good terms with any employer.  Becoming an entrepreneur is not for everyone.  It takes hard work and much discipline.  If you discover down the road that the transition into entrepreneurship just isn’t for you,  you will want to make sure that a good recommendation from your old employer can be counted on if you happen to apply for a job again. 

Taking the Leap

Once you’ve made the leap to entrepreneurship, you’ll work better if you set your hours and designate a workspace.  Keep the television off.  You’re not on vacation; you’re working for yourself.  Stay focused and also dress the part. Schedule appointments in the morning to make sure you’re up and ready for the day.  You’ll fall into the rhythm that’s right for you and you’ll soon be working harder than you ever did at your 9-5er.  The best part of it all is that you won’t even mind because you’ll be doing exactly what you love. 

If your dream is to be an entrepreneur, follow it!  You can be successfully self-employed and with the right resources and some successful planning, you’ll be ready for your transition before you know it.